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  108 Day Guidance
Yoga Master English - The Wisdom of Himalayas


The Wisdom of Himalayas is the wisdom of the universe. It's also the wisdom of the law of attraction, love, lightness and prosperity.

There is one easy way. It's the way of the Masters of Himalayas. You don't have to release anything. You just have to be yourself. Be yourself everyday. Be in your power. Be conscious about who you are and what your way is. It's easy. It's effective.

I believe that everybody is perfect and you just have to remember it. 

The Way of the Masters is a 108 steps video training with yoga wisdom and guidance from me. I love to show you your true self and your power. I will teach you Heart Awareness, Light Healing and Daily Life Rituals to align yourself and that you are in your power.

You're guided throught the whole Yoga Master training. Do the rituals step by step and take the time you need to integrate what you learned. Make a step everyday. You can also stay one week with the ritual of one video and then carry on with the next one.



>>> Further to the 108 Yoga Master Videos

