  108 Steps Training
  Sacred Couples Rituals
Sacred Couples Rituals - Bonus Videos For Pure Love In The Relationship


To be happy in a relationship has to do with your attitude and not how your partner behaves. Make the change and start with feeling in love and happy yourself. Look good after you everyday. Treat yourself like you would treat a best friend. Know that you’re precious. Know your qualities. Live what makes you happy. 

Sacred couples realize that love has nothing to do with daily life. In daily life situation it needs clarity and calmness. Sacred couples should let pure love flow every day that they feel their origin and main purpose of being together. Let love flow in your relationship. Be in your power and enjoy moments by yourself and moments with your partner.

How you can live a heart partnership:
- be in your pure love energy (let your pure God‘s self spread in your physical body)
- Expand your energy daily > be expanded
- Go the way of the masters (calm, relaxed, meditate, sing mantras, pray, take time in silence, be and live conscious)
- Meet your partner on the heart level (heart chakra connection)

Partner Healing

Give everything that is disturbing now, including thoughts to the masters in the Himalayas and ask for a miracle.

Make chakra connection with your partner once a day, at a moment when it is right for you. Then release yourself completely from him by returning to your circle.

You can also ask questions of his heart and listen. Heart connection is always good. Feel him.

When you have connected to his heart, feel the love for each other. You can now ask his / her heart any questions, such as: What does your partner have to say to you?

Do healings and heart connection in quiet minutes and enjoy being together.

If your partner is not doing so well or you feel that he needs help from you, you can also clean your partner energetically, e.g. with your loving look or you take the black and white flame or the black and white diamond light with gold to support him:
- forehead / head
- spine
- Body from head to toe
Important: sit down before you start in the golden lotus and finally come back to your circle. Be in your cirle only.

Do healings only if you can hold your energy. In the end, come back to yourself. Always take good care of yourself and that you are in your strength. When your body reacts it means being more mindful and looking more at your energy than at others.

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