  108 Steps Training
  Sacred Couples Rituals

Sacred Couples 108 Steps Video Training


The wisdom of the sacred couple is holy. It’s forgotten wisdom. It carries the wisdom of happy relationships. It has a lot of healing methods that couples can stay in love the whole life. This training invites you to dive into this wisdom and start doing sacred couple rituals, meditations and healings. It will spend you and your partner a lot of love, freedom and lightness. It gives you a good feeling when you do the rituals from videos. The wisdom of the sacred couples inspires you and spends you hope.

The wisdom of the sacred couples has to do with a holistical lifestyle like you meet in yoga teachings. You could say it is yoga for couples.

Day 1: Body, Soul, Spirit

A unity like a diamond, so pure. You are as valuable as a diamond. Be worth it to live the life that makes you happy. Your heart diamond is a magnet that attracts beautiful things into your life. Remember it in your daily life again and again.

I Am a pure diamond. My body, my mind and my soul shine like diamonds.

Day 2: My true Energy

You feel your divine being when you dive into your heart chakra. Therefore take at least three times a day a few minutes for your essence. Close your eyes for a moment and dive into your heart chakra in the middle of your breast. Feel your essence, your true self there. This allows you to live more and more your true being.

I Am So Hum. I Am.

Day 3: Heart Core

Let your heart shine. It pulsates like life a force within you. Look at this picture and feel your pulsing heart.

I Am love. I Am spreading my love.

Day 4: Heart Diamond

Heart flame within you. The trinity of body, spirit and soul. You’re radiating like a diamond. Show your beauty.

I Am a diamond. My diamond is power.

Day 5: Flower of Love

There is a love core within your heart chakra. When you visualize this flower, then a strong and gentle love can awaken. As a result, you will awaken more and become aware of yourself. You see behind the illusions.

My love is shining. I Am radiant and attractive.

Day 6: The Love in my Heart

May the love in your heart fills your whole being up. May this love draw the things into your life that suit you.

I Am love. My heart guides me. I follow my heart.

7: Love Star

The love star in your heart chakra is one with the universal love. That's why you are the creator of your life.

I Am pure love. I shine like a star.

Day 8: Love flows

Love inspires. Love lives. Love guides. Enter into the love within your heart chakra every day.

I Am love. Love spends wings to my daily life.

9: Partnership Key

The Key is within your heart. Love is you. You don’t have to search for it. Just spread it. Your love attracts your partner.

I Am love. I spread love. My love attracts my heart partner.

Day 10: Heart Door

Within your heart is wisdom, power and a lot of love. Just enter into your heart chakra and ask the questions where you would like to get answers.

I Am love. I listen to my heart. I Am heart awareness.

Day 11: Love Fire

Love can be expressed as fire. Within your heart chakra there are your heart flames. They’re pure love.

I Am heart flame. I Am a flame of love. I listen to my heart. I Am protected within my heart flames.

Day 12: Shanti and Love

Om Shanti Om. Love and peace are within your heart. Just dive into your heart chakra and feel your love. After a while you dive deep into the peace of your hear chakra. Just feel it.

I Am love and peace. Om Shanti Om.

Day 13: Unity

Be who you are. Unite your body, soul and mind. Unity. Live your true being on earth in this physical body. This image supports you in unite things.

I Am love. I Am unity. I Am So Hum.

Day 14: Wisdom

The wisdom of God is within you. Recognize it and live it. Find God within you in your heart chakra.

I listen to my heart wisdom. I Am guided by my heart. My love leads me.

Day 15: Clarity of Silence

Silence is a gift of your heart. Dive within your heart chakra and get clarity through the silence of your heart. Ask your heart awareness your questions.

I Am pure. I Am clear. I Am.

Day 16: Protecting Eye

The divine protection is always there. Trust in it and call it when you need it. You are protected.

I Am always protected and guided.

Day 17: Awareness

Be conscious and focus on what’s good for you. Live the life you love. Dive into your heart awareness within your heart chakra and get clarity for your life.

I Am awareness. I listen to my heart awareness.

Day 18: Clarity

Decide to have clarity in your life. Allow yourself to be clear, to hear clearly and to feel clearly. Allow yourself to have clarity where you wish to have it.

I Am clarity and love. My heart guides me.

Day 19: Thankfulness

Send loving thoughts and loving feelings of gratitude through your words. Be thankful for what you have and what you are. Express your thankfulness in your daily life.

I Am thankfulness. I'm thankful for the gifts in my life. I receive gifts every day.

Day 20: Strength

Live your strength. Just fell your strength in a first step. Form a bowl with your palms and let your strength pour into this bowl. Take the bowl to your heart chakra and let the energy flow into it. How does your power feel like?

I Am strength. I Am powerful. I feel my power.

Day 21: Happy

Be happy and live you. Dive into your heart chakra and feel happiness. That’s you.  Dive deep into it and imagine to spread into your entire being.

I Am happy. I attract happy people. Happiness flows into my life.

Day 22: Truth

Say the truth and be honest. You will attract what you send out. Get the harvest.

I Am truth. I say the truth.

Day 23: Joy

Allow yourself to enjoy life. Invite joy like a good friend into your life. Open the door for it. Feel joy within your heart chakra.

I Am joy. I Am happy. Joy comes into my life.

Day 24: Freedom

Freedom begins with self-love. Love yourself and allow yourself to be who you really are. Allow yourself to think, act and be free from all boundaries, fears and worries. Live freedom and give freedom.

I Am freedom. I Am love. I live who I Am. So Hum.

Day 25: Ancient Wisdom

The universal wisdom is always. Your heart has the answers. Let you guide by your heart awareness.

I Am wisdom. I Am power. I Am love. I Am wisdom. I listen to my heart wisdom.

Day 26: Shanti

Om Shanti Om. Let peace flow into your life. Take moments in Shanti and on Shanti places. Just feel Shanti and be Shanti.  

Mantra: Peace flows in my life, into my partnerships. I Am peace.

Day 27: Healed Relationship

Let the sound Om flow into your life. Just let go old thoughts, feelings and habits. Be who you are. Allow your partner to be who he is. Be unique. Let others be unique.

Love is healing. Love is me. I live a happy relationship.

Day 28: Healing from Angels

Angels are there every moment in your life. They’re soft love energy. The bring hope, peace and what you wish to have into your life. Call them if you like to.

I live my true being. I Am myself.

Day 29: Power

Power is you. Power is love. Power is within your heart chakra. Live your power. Be you.

I Am power. I Am love. My heart guides me.

Day 30: Heart strength

Stay in your power. Don’t listen to your thoughts. Only pay attention to what inspires you.

My thoughts are love. I Am love. Love guides me.

Day 31: Om

Om is the original sound of the universe. Om acts wholesome and balancing. Sing Om inwardly or out loud and let it flow through your entire body for purification and healing.

Mantra: I Am whole and healthy. I live loving and healty partnerships. Om.

Day 32: Be healed

Healing happens every second in your life. Be healed. Attract the right partner into your life.

I Am healed. I Am happy. I attract what’s suits to me.

To do Light Healings is an easy way to be healthy and vital.

Day 33: The Flower of Love

The flower of love symbolizes the divine pattern of the universe. Let your life be healed and draw happy and loving people into your life.

I Am healed. I Am love. I live a happy and loving relationship.

Day 34: Heart Greetings

Send greetings from your heart every day to other people. Let your heart energy shine in your whole body so that you feel healthy, vital, youthful and beautiful every day.

Mantra: The power of heart fills my whole body. I Am heart power. I Am guided by my heart.

Day 35: Merkaba

Your Merkaba is like a light dress. It fits you perfectly and gives you a feeling of safety.

My Merkaba radiates and shines. My Merkaba protects and strengthens me.

Day 36: Love is Power

Believe in love. Love is pure. Love is power. Love is you. Let love flow in your relationship. Meet your partner on the heart level. Feel your power. Feel the love flow between you and your partner.

Love is power. Love is me. I let love flow in my relationship.

Day 37: Be shinny

Shine like the stars on the sky in the sea of love. Let this love flow into your belly and your entire being. Shine in your power. Be you. Attract what’s suits to you.

I shine in my beauty and I attract what suits to me.

Day 38: The Power of your Heart Diamond

Namaste. My heart diamond touches your heart diamond. Meet people on the heart level. Let you guide by your heart diamond and know always what’s good for you. Your heart diamond is you. It’s your pure love within your heart chakra. 

I Am a diamond. I attract what’s good for me. My heart diamond shines.

Day 39: Healed

Salvation starts in your heart. Let your love radiate from your heart and let healing happen wherever you need it. Radiate your love to your loved ones, so that you can meet on the heart level.

Love radiates in my life. Love unfolds its power in me and around me. I Am pure love.

Day 40: Violet Flame

The violet flame is an expression of pure love. Let the violet flame flow into your life and transform what has to become love.

The violet flame surrounds and protects me. The violet flame unfolds its transformative power in my life.

Day 41: Transformation

Sometimes it just needs a small transformation in your life. Let love flow into you and your life. Get inspiration and be nourished by pure love. Let love transform your life. Let love be the creator of your daily life.

Love is transformation power. Love flows into my love. Love leads me.

Day 42: Healing

Love is healing. Let the love out of your heart chakra flow into your entire being. Your thoughts, words, actions and emotions are love. Be healed.

I Am pure healing power. Healing flows into my life.

Day 43: Protection

You are always protected. Be aware of that. So be brave and step courageously in your world.

I Am protected. I feel safe.

Day 44: Shanti Lotus

The lotus flower stands for pure love. Love is healing. Love is peace. Find peace within your heart. Dive into your heart chakra and feel shanti.

Peace in your heart and around you. Seed peace like energetic seeds. The harvest is coming. Trust and be patient.

Om Shanti Om. Shanti in my heart.

Day 45: Health

To be healthy is a primordial right. Allow yourself to be yourself, to live your true potential and to be completely healthy.

I Am healthy. I feel vital.

Day 46: Fulfillment

Be in the absolute Being (Buddha-Being) and stay there for a moment.
Absolute being is always and everywhere. Perfection is the absolute extension of your essence, of your heart's light. As a Buddha, you are in yourself and yet conscious of everything. You can visualize a Buddha in the heart chakra and enter into it.

I Am completely centered within myself. I Am Buddha being.

Day 47: Be Creator

Create your life in love. Love your life, your I Am. Send love (seeds of love) out of your heart chakra, like a shining sun. Receive the harvest.

I create my life how I like it. I Am creator.

Day 48: Prana

Prana is universal life force. Prana is always and everywhere. Breathe it in consciously. Let your body, soul and spirit be nourished with prana. Nourish yourself daily through conscious breathing with prana. Prana is power. Prana is youth. Prana spends vitality and beauty.

I Am vital. Prana nourishes me. So Hum. I Am So Hum.

Day 49: Illusion

Let go all the illusions that you feel free and happy. Be happy. Live freedom in your relationship.

I let go all illusions. I Am free and happy.

Tomorrow we will start a new chapter with the mandalas from India. Let's miracles and magic happen. It shall be light. ?

Day 50: Heart Lotus

Your heart lotus is your pure love. It’s like a light mantle of your love around you. You can surround yourself, your loved ones and your whole family with a heart lotus, so that you are beautiful surrounded by your love.

I Am love. I feel my lotus power. I Am surrounded by my heart lotus.

Day 51: Happiness

Happiness is love. Sun spends love. Sun light is a reflection of love. It’s pure love light. Let the sun light nourish your being. Just sometimes watch into the sun and imagine that the sun light flows over your eyes into your body.

I Am happy. I Am love. I let love flow.

Day 52: Let Love flow

Love is always. Love nourishes you. Love inspires your life. Be you and express yourself.

Love flows. Love is me and you. Love is always.

Day 53: Health and Beauty

There are special herbs for each illness. Just imagine that your body gets the amount of the herb it needs now. This is the ancient way of the masters to heal themselves. Or go in a drugstore and ask for the Ayurvedic herb. Also use coriander, ginger, tumeric, masala, curry, Himalaya salt, kumin on a daily base in your cooking. If you don’t cook prepare a juice with tumeric or ginger. Replace sunflower oel with coconut oel. If you don’t like the flavour of coconut oel take half coconut and half sunflower oel.

I Am healthy. I Am beautiful. I Am So Hum.

Day 54: Ease

Make a Ganga Cleaning. The Ganga river is a source of love and purity. Imagine that the water of the Ganga flows over your head into your physical body and cleans you. Just let it flow.

I Am clean. I Am love. I Am who I Am.

Day 55: Solution

Where you pay attention to that grows like a seed. Choose where you pay attention to today. Your attention is like nutrition for what you focus on. Focus carefully. Be aware of your focus. Find solutions. Think in solutions.


I see the solution. I believe in miracles. I let miracles happen.

Day 56: Be Happy

Happiness is independent from another person. It’s ever lasting within you. Dive deep into your heart chakra and feel happiness within. Dive as deep until you feel it. After a while you imagine to expand happiness around your physical body in your circle.

I Am happy. I Am love. I Am myself.

Day 57: Be Peace

Let go over your breath. Breath love in over your nose and let all go what doesn't serve you anymore while you’re breathing out over your nose. Just stay with this breathing for a moment.

I Am in love with myself and my life. I Am a peaceful mind. Om Shanti Om.

Day 58: Be You

Keep you pure. Do cleasing meditations to keep your circle clean.

I Am myself. I love myself. I Am in my circle.

Day 59: Blessings

Let blessings flow into your life that miracles happen. Feel lightness and feel blessed.
Sit in tailor seat and close your eyes for a moment. Hold your hands palms up in your lap and receive blessings. Feel them. Feel blessed.

I Am blessed. I receive blessings every day.

Day 60: Compassion

Compassion for others and yourself is important and will help you to have a loving understanding for you and others. This exercise will help you to have an open heart for yourself and others: Breath in and out into your heart chakra. Imagine that a light pink flows over your head into your heart chakra and while you’re breathing out a grass green flows horizontally out of your heart chakra. Feel the energy of the pink while your breathing in and let the green flow while you’re breathing out. Just let it flow. The green flows on your heart way now. Just let if flow for a while.

I Am compassion. I Am love. I let pure love flow.

Day 61: Pure Love Relationship

Connect your navel and your heart chakra and your third eye with your partner‘s heart, navel chakra and third eye. Just let love flow. Your pure love. Feel it. Hold your hands in prayer position on your heart chakra. Just feel this beautiful energy which connects you.
If you like you can send from your heart chakra to the heart chakra of your partner a word like love, shanti.

I Am you. You are me. We’re one. We’re pure love.

Day 62: Om So Hum

You have a healer within yourself. Om So Hum is your pure self. It’s healed. Clean your thoughts, emotions and body system every day with singing OM and positive thoughts. Love yourself by forgiving yourself.

I Am healed. I Am love. I Am myself. Om So Hum.

Day 63: Love

Love is a beautiful energy which makes you feeling pampered. Surround you with pink and you will know how love feels like.

I Am love. I Am So Hum. I follow my heart.

Day 64: Pure Love – White and Black flame

Imagine that water flows over your head through you and also through your partner. Afterwards imagine a white light channel from your heart chakra to the heart chakra of your partner. Just be in your heart chakra and listen over your heart what information you get.

I love myself and my partner like we are. I Am that I Am. I let pure love flow in our relationship.

Day 65: Sacred Couples

Find time together when you can enjoy it together. Give each other space to be who you are. Always make sure that you’re relaxed and centered.

We are So Hum. We are pure love. Pure love flows into the world. Love is healing power.

Day 66: Deep Love

Love can flow when you’re in your power. Make a cleaning meditation every day. You can use the sacred flames for cleaning. Just dive from time to time into your heart chakra and ask your heart awareness which flame you need at the moment for a cleasing and refreshing. Imagine that this flame spread through your body. Just set the intention to that flame sprads through your body. Ask you heart awareness also which flame nourishes your relationship at the moment. Make a call to that flame and set the intention to that the flame spreads in your relationship. Flames are pure love energies. You can talk and call them like you do it with gods and goddess and other spiritual helpers.

I Am clean. I Am in my power. I Am pure love. My love attracts what suits to me.

Day 67: You and Me

Out of the great silence of your heart chakra with a fully open heart chakra you will attract the right partner. This partner really suits your true being. Your diamond light out of your heart chakra is like a magnet it attracts similar people into your life.

You and me. You and me are one. You are me. I Am you. So Hum.

Day 68: LOL – Lots of Love

Connect with Mother Earth’s love. Lie face down on the floor. Feel Mother Earth. Just connect with it and feel it. Mother Earth has a lot of love for you. Just feel it.

I Am love. I Am healing. I Am in my power. I use my power wisely.

Day 69: Help

The sacred couples teach you all about love. It’s all about heart connection. Stay connected over your heart with your partner. What does your partner’s heart chakra have to tell you today? What message does his heart tell you?

I Am always supported. I receive all the help I need.

Day 70: Healing Mandala

Sacred couples also have a daily life. They teach you how to handle it with love.

I Am supported. I believe in love. I get healing wherever I need it.

Day 71: Healing Power

Ask your heart today what flame would be good for you and your partner. Just call that flame and imagine it between you and your partner. Spread it through your relationship. Flames are pure love. They are healing power.

I Am healed. I live a pure love relationship. I Am happy.

Day 72: Masters’ Help

I Am you. You are me. We are one. Take a picture or sit in front of a statue of a God, Goddess, master you love and say these three sentences. Look at the master you do the ritual with and feel that you‘re one. God is everything. You can‘t be different from him. May you give different names to it but it‘s all the same in the core.

Masters are always with me. I call the Masters of Himalayas for a miracle in the situation X (name a situation where you call for a miracle).

Day 73: Love is So Hum

Your pure self is everywhere. Dive into your heart chakra and feel your pure self within. After a while you imagine that your pure self spreads into your entire physical body and your circle around it. Feel your true self within your circle.

I Am myself. I Am So Hum. So Hum I Am.

Day 74: Love Healing Power

Take everyday time to nourish you with pure light. Feel the silence. Learn to stay in this peaceful state of being.

Love is healing power. Love is me. I Am love.

Day 75: The Treasure

You can do a healing for yourself and others with the golden light of Himalayas. Just imagine that that golden light flows in each of your organs. Focus on one chakra after another. Stay with your focus on each organ as long as you feel like. Let the golden light flow into it.

I Am pure love. I Am in my power. I Am prosperity. I receive whatever I need.

Day 76: Love Love Love

Diamonds are pure love. Imagine a jar. In this jar is pure diamond water. Pour the water over your head and the diamond water flows through your body.

I Am love. I feel my diamond light within my heart.

Day 77: Love Power

Be love. Be yourself. Let love flow. Imagine that you feel yourself up with pure love. You are like a cup of love. Let love flow over your head into your body.

Love is healing. Love is power. Love is me.

Day 78: Support

Green Power
Imagine that you’re breathing in green light. While you’re breathing out the green spreads into your entire body and your brain. Green is pure green power. It carries a lot of love. It’s like chlorophyll. It works like a vitamin booster for your physical body. It makes you calm. Green is also good for your nerves.

I Am supported. I get what every I need.

Day 79: Wisdom

The wisdom of my heart is the wisdom of the universe. Dive into your heart chakra and ask the following question to it: How does my way look like to day? Ask if it has something else to tell.
The answers from your heart awareness can be very short. It’s the seer within you.

I Am wise. I listen to the wisdom of my heart. My heart leads me.

Day 80: Love Label

Pink is pure love. Imagine a pink light ball in your heart chakra. This light ball spreads its pink in your circle around your physical body. It pampers you with its love.

Love is you. Love is me. We are love. I let love flow.

Day 81: Pure Love

Take time for yourself a few times a day. Just dive with your attention within your heart chakra and feel yourself.

Love leads in my life. I let love flow.

Day 82: So Hum – Shakti Power

Imagine that white flames spread through your physical body. Let it flow and feel how it feels like. Spread the white flame through your intention also through your brain, your stomach and your back.

I Am So Hum. I Am myself. I live my shiva and shakti power.

Day 83: Love Leads

Think pink. Imagine that pink flows into your body and over your skin. Let it also wash your forehead and clean your belly. Let the pink also flow into your circle around your physical body. Feel its energy. Dive into your heart chakra and make a wish.

Pink is love. Pink is me. I think pink.

Day 84: Help People

Diamond Water
Imagine that diamond spreads over you like a shower of water. Just take that diamond shower and let the diamond flow into you. This ritual energises you. It increases your energy level. You can also call the diamond water for help for other people. Just make a call like you would call Ganesha or Jesus for help.  The diamond water will respond to your call.

Diamonds are love. Diamonds are healing. The diamond water flows into my life. I let it flow.

Day 85: Lightness

I recommend to skip one to two meals per day. You can take a fruit or fruit juice instead. Like this you can digest better and you have a lot of energy for healing your body and restore it.

I feel light. My body feel light. Lightness flows into my life.

Day 86: Silence

In your heart lotus is silence. Imagine your heart lotus and sit in it. Let white light flow over your crown chakra into your physical body. Let it flow in all chakras, all organs and your complete body system. This light restores you and it vitalizes you.

The great silence is within me. It spends me peace and wisdom. I listen to the great silence within me.

Day 87: Trust

Dive into your heart chakra. Feel your true self. Breath in and out over your nose into your heart chakra. Be aware of your heart diamond and heart flames. Expand them into your circle around your physical body. Just imagine that your diamond light and your heart flames spread out of your heart chakra into your circle. They stabilize your circle. Your circle is your space. Stay within it the whole day. Just turn your awareness sometimes to your circle again and take a few deep heart breaths.

I trust in my power. I am powerful.

Day 88: Help & Protection

Ganga washing. Imagine that the water of the holy Ganga river flows into your body deep and into your cells. The Ganga water purifies and heals yourself. When you’re in your power you're always protected. Love is healing. Love is protection. The water of the Ganga river is a source of love and purity.

I Am love. I Am protected. I Am. So Hum.

Day 89: Salvation

Imagine that bliss flows through your body.

I Am bliss. I feel salvation.

Day 90: Heal yourself

Imagine that green light flows through your body. It nourishes your physical body. It’s like the energy of grass which has a lot of chlorophyll. Just give the intention that the green light shall flow through your body and let it flow. It will nourish you. Just feel it.

I Am healed. My body is nourished. My body is healed.

Day 91: Financial Freedom

Imagine a golden light. This light is like a moisturizer for your body. Imagine that it flows into your body. Just let it flow.
Gold stands for prosperity and the Golden Age where miracles happen. The Golden Age is now. Let gold flow into your life through meditation. Invite prosperity into your life.

I am rich. I receive whatevery I need.

Day 92: Honesty

What does your heart consciousness have to tell you today? Just dive into your heart chakra and ask what does it have to tell you today. You can also ask specific questions. Stay with your awareness in your heart chakra to get the answer.

I listen to my heart. My heart guides me.

Day 93: Help and Joy

Rituals for cleansing like Aarthis, instant sticks and candles help to keep a clean place. Use them at home in your own way and feel how it energizes your place.

I Am free. I receive help. I Am joy.

Day 94: Jewel

Imagine you’re sitting in your heart light. It‘s a lotus flower around your physical body in the colours of your heart flames. Just be present in this lotus flower for a moment.
Sometimes it‘s important just to feel yourself. You will feel good and centered like this.

I have a jewel in my heart. I Am this jewel.

Day 95: Faithfullness

Whenever you feel sad imagine a white flame within your heart chakra. Set the intention that this white flame expands around you. White clears and brings clarity.

I Am faithful. I Am in my power.

Day 96: Miracle

Imagine that you’re sitting in a golden ball. Feel the golden energy. Let it pamper you. Imagine that the golden ball expand in your life.

Gold is prosperity and the Golden Age is the age where miracles happen. The Golden Age is now.

I Am a miracle. Miracles happen in my life.

Day 97: Om Namah Shivaya

Inhale love and exhale freedom, health or whatever you like to feel like in your body.
All is energy. Love and freedom are pure energies. Just breath those power. Feel also the prana which you inhale and exhale while you’re breathing. Prana is pure life force. Let it flow. Om Namah Shivaya.

Om Namah Shivaya. Om Namah Shivaya. Om Namah Shivaya. I let it flow.

Day 98: Love So Hum

Don‘t compare. Be unique. Just be yourself. Breath into your heart chakra. Feel you true self within your heart chakra. Let go while you‘re breathing out. Feel the space within your breaths. That‘s freedom. Feel it.

I Am myself. I Am So Hum. Love is me.

Day 99: Rainbow Light

Imagine rainbow light and let if flow over your crown chakra into your physical body. Just let it flow into your entire being. The rainbow light is the light of the diamonds.

I Am a diamond. Rainbow light flows through my body and my whole being.

Day 100: The Sacred Wheel

Imagine a golden light and let it flow over your head into your entire being. Let this light also surround you. Gold is prosperity.

I Am light. I Am healing. I Am power.

Day 101: Heal yourself and laugh

Do a morning sun light ritual. Look in the direction of the sunrise. Shape a bowel with your hands in front of your heart chakra with your hands. Let the sun light flow into your hands. Hold your hands for a moment on your root chakra. Shape the bowel again and let the sun light flow into your hands. Hold your hands on your navel chakra. Charge each of your main chakras including the thymus chakra between heart and throat chakra with sun light. If you like you can repeat the ritual one more time. Feel vital and laugh.

I Am joy. I laugh. I love my life.

Day 102: Patience

Be patient. Let it flow. Everything will be on the right time. You can make heart wishes and tell them to your spiritual helpers. Believe in your dreams.

I Am patient. I let it flow. I Am.

Day 103: Health

Recharge yourself with prana. Just imagine that prana flows in your entire body, in your chakras and your aura. Feel its purity. Stay in this peaceful energy and just be.

I Am healthy. I Am vital. My body energy is balanced.

Day 104: Treasure

Imagine a diamond. Hold your hands on this diamond and let its energy flow into your body and your circle around your physical body.

I Am a diamond. I Am power. I attract prosperity.

Day 105: Your Inner Self

Your inner self is like a pearl. Imagine the energy of a pearl and let its power flow into each of your chakras. Just set the intention to do so and the pearl power will do its job.

I feel myself. I live myself. I Am.

Day 106: Joy

Imagine that you're sitting in pure black diamond light. Let it spread through your physical body and your aura. Feel its energy.

I Am joy. I Am bliss.

Day 107: Freedom

Give Freedom and get freedom. Start with freedom in how you think and how you feel. Be who you are and let others be how they are.

I Am freedom. I Am love. I live myself. I Am. So Hum.

Day 108: Shri

You’re precious. You’re great. You can create your life. Believe in your dreams and your power and let miracles happen in your life.

I Am precious. I Am who I Am. I live the beauty of my life.

Joker 1: The Source

You have always many possibilities in your life. You can realign yourself every moment. If you want something different in your life, dive into your heart chakra and ask for answers and guidance. Also ask your spiritual helpers for help in fulfilling your wishes.

I Am master of my life. I create out of the source of my heart.


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