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Yoga for Life 1: Course 2 "Happiness & Love"


Imagine your sitting in this mandala. How do you feel? Breath the power of this mandala in through your nose into your heart chakra and while you're exhaling the energy of the mandala flows into your entire being. Just stay a moment and be.

Speak this mantra in the morning when you wake up while you're doing your morning ritual. You can speak it silently or loudly:

I Am Happy. I Am Peace. I Am that I Am. So Hum. So Hum.

Happiness is always there. Happiness is within you. Dive now deep into your heart chakra into your happiness and feel it. Stay a moment.
Note: Dive as deep into your heart chakra till you're feeling happiness.

Video Heart Awarness
Always make heart decisions. Listen to your heart in your daily life. Your heart awareness is not influenced by old thoughts, experiences, emotions and other people. Your heart is always free.

Give yourself in the hands of heart lotus within your heart chakra with all your worries, thoughts, questions and choices every day. Look at your life, your everyday life with the eyes of your heart awareness. Let yourself be guided by the gentle, loving impulses of your heart. After you found clarity for situation in your daily life over your heart consciousness you can also use mantras to align and strengthen yourself.

Heart Awarness part
As I told you in course 1 your heart awarness is within your heart chakra. If you have something which you make thinking just dive into your heart chakra and ask the question to your heart. You can always ask your heart for guidance. Your heart knows everything. Your heart always has a solution. Your heart is very wise. It's like your personal coach, seer, rishi. Learn to trust your rich wisdom. Use this ability in your daily life. You can also remember people in your environment about this treasure within them.

Do a short So Hum Meditation to start:
While you’re breathing in you can say "So" und while you breath out you say "Hum". So Hum means I Am. If you say "I Am" or "So Hum" you call to your diamond within your heart chakra. With this powerful expression you make a call to your perfect self.

Heart awarness excercise:
Take a few deep breaths in to your heart chakra and center yourself within it. Just imagine an elevator from your brain down to your heart chakra in the middle of your breast. Take this elevator and enter into your heart awareness. What does your heart have to tell you today? How your energy feels like there?

Here are some more questions you can ask to your heart awareness:
- Who am I?
- What are my abilities?
- What's important for me at the moment?
- Where my life needs a change?
- What are the next steps in my life?

Stay a moment, listen and then go back to your daily life with an open heart which looks like a lotus flower. Over your heart consciousness you can ask every question and you will get clear answers. Always enter in the silence of your heart and you will know what is to do next.

Self Coaching part
In this section you do some self coaching excercises with the book BERNARDI Profile:
Read more about chakra on p. 99 - 102 and do the Chakra Balance Breath on p. 104. If you you want to go further do the Self-Test Chakras on p. 97. Just do it intuativly. Listen to heart awareness while you're doing the excercises from the book.

There are many more good tips and excercises in this chapter of the book. If you like you can read the whole chapter p. 96 - 109.

You find the whole book in the download section of course 1. If you like the printed book you can order it on


The download part has some additional materials and wisdom. Take time to go through the pdfs and integrate the wisdom.

Animal Aura
A animal has an aura like a person. You can read about the aura in self coaching part of this course, BERNARDI Profile book p. 99ff. The coloured circles stand for the following chakras in this PDF :
- Red: Root chakra
- Orange: Navel chakra
- Yellow: Solarplexus
- Green: Heart chakra
- Blue: Throat chakra
- Violet: Third eye
- Pink: Crown chakra

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