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Yoga for Life 1: Course 5 "Calmness & Peace"


The lotus flower stands for pure love. You can imagine lotus flowers around you and in your hand. Feel its love. Charge you with this power. You can also charge your home with a lotus feng shui. Just put some lotus flowers in your home where you feel like you would like to have a nice and loving energy. You can use lotus shapes and pictures of lotus flowers for it. You can even paint your own lotus flower painting.

Speak this mantra for the next weeks and let its sound spread out of your heart chakra while you're speaking it. Just imagine that this Mantra flows out of your heart chakra.

I Am Calm. I Am Peace. I Am So Hum. So Hum. So Hum.

You can also imagine that your sitting on this powerful mandala and just feel how it feels like.
Start to integrate mantras and rituals in your daily life and you will feel lightness and love.

Video "Miracles happen"

Heart Awarness part
In this part you do Spiritual Readings. Spiritual Readings are a nice way to get clarity in situations, with other people, situations and business. Through this technique of perception, you can be sure that the information does not come from ready-made opinions. The information comes from the central memory of the cosmos which is the universal heart. It’s like you were reading in a library where you find all information you need to know.

Keep your circle around you strong by imagine golden and black flames around your aura. Like this you're completely in your circle. Visualize a golden channel like a string from the source of all being into your heart chakra. This golden channel provides you directly with the information from the central memory of the cosmos which is the universal heart. Feel also the ground over your feet. Breathe in and out into your heart a few times. Now imagine again, you draw the golden string from the universal heart lotus into your heart chakra. Dive into your heart chakra, in the middle of your chest, and ask your questions. Ask the following questions:
Start with the following questions to see what your heart awarness has to tell:
- What's important for me this year?
- Where shall I focus on in January, March, April? (Just take the next few months which will come next in your life?
- What's the main task at the moment?
- Where do I have to be carful in my life?

If you have your own business you can ask the same questions for your business. You can also ask this questions for your job.

With spiritual readings, you can look at any topic in a neutral way and experience what's really the core of a issue. You will get clear answers.

Self Coaching part
In this section you do some self coaching excercises with the book BERNARDI Profile:
Read p. 91 and if you like further. Also do the Self-Test Cycles on p.80ff.

There are many more good tips and excercises in this chapter of the book. If you like you can read the whole chapter p. 80 - 96.

You find the whole book in the download section of course 1. The printed book you get on


Do short or long meditations and align yourself very easily.

Sit down in tailors position and close your eyes. Breath in and out through your nose and imagine that a golden light flows over your crown chakra on the top of your head into your body. Let this light nourishes you.

Make a few conscious breath into your chakras one after another from your root chakra up to the crown chakra. If you feel like lying down for a while just do it. Relax for a moment and enjoy the energy of this meditation.

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